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Obwegeser Raspatory 30cm

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Steinhauser Orbital Floor Raspatory, 17cm

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Cottle Raspatory Knife 14cm-Wish Surgical

18,00 $

Wish Surgical is Proudly Manufacturing and Supplying an Excellent Quality Raspatories and Elevators, such as Cottle Periosteal Elevators, Goldman Septum Fracture Elevators, Freer Raspatories, Massing Elevators, Periosteal Elevators, Obwegeser Raspatory, Yankauer Septum Elevators, Williger Raspatory, Nasal Fracture Elevators, Freer Double Periosteal Elevator Sharp-Blunt, Converse Periosteal Elevator/Raspatory, Boies Nasal Fracture Elevators and Cottle Raspatory Knife.

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Cottle Raspatory Knife 14cm

Cottle Raspatory Knife 14cm. Wish Surgical is Proudly Manufacturing and Supplying an Excellent Quality Raspatories and Elevators, such as Cottle Periosteal Elevators, Goldman Septum Fracture Elevators, Freer Raspatories, Massing Elevators, Periosteal Elevators, Obwegeser Raspatory, Yankauer Septum Elevators, Williger Raspatory, Nasal Fracture Elevators, Freer Double Periosteal Elevator Sharp-Blunt, Converse Periosteal Elevator/Raspatory, Boies Nasal Fracture Elevators and Cottle Raspatory Knife. We used the Finest Materials and Produced as par International Standard. We keep in Mind all the requirements of our all the Professionals and get the help of the World’s Topper Doctor and Surgeons during Manufacturing.

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Use of Raspatories and Elevators:

All these Raspatories and Elevators are use for dissecting, scraping and elevating tissues in plastic Surgery, orthopedic Surgery, nasal Surgery and also used for many other Surgical Procedures. Our productswould not keep-up to the highest industry standards. Raspatory is an instrument designed for use in many surgical procedures specifically in neurosurgical procedures that require some reshaping of bone such as the skull or vertebrae. Luckily, we are not alone. Our satisfied clients also provide us assistance. Through suggestions and feedback they help us to do the Instruments Better and better day by day. That is the key of Wish Surgical becoming a leading industry in quality and innovation.

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