Facial Liposuction Cannulas Set (Set of 13)
Instrument Description Quantity
Syringe Locks set of 4 Snaps (10CC, 20cc, 50cc & 60CC) 01
A Syringe Holder Device for Syringe, Loaded with Tumescent 01
Tri-Port linear Cannula 1.5mm, 10cm. With Luer-Lock attachment 01
Infiltration Cannula 1.5mm, 10cm with Luer-Lock 01
A single port Cannula 1.2mm 10cm for fat transfer Luer-Lock 01
V-Dissector Cannula 2.0mm, 15cm 03
Set of 4 Luer to Luer transfer 01
Liposuction Handle for Luer Lock Cannulas/Super Luer Lock with tubing / suction connection
All the Instruments are Reusable & Autoclave able
Why the People Buy Our Cannulas?
Because We have Made all the Liposuction Cannulas with the Special Instructions from The Highest Experienced “Plastic Surgeon and Doctors”, from USA, Middle East, Europe and Asia, and get the Amazing Feedback from their Procedures for Breast reduction, Breast Surgery, Breast and Buttocks, Fat Grafting procedure and all other Procedures related to the Liposuction. All the Cannulas and other Instruments made with Medical Standard. And Giving a Good Life.
What is Natural Fat Transfer?
Fat Transfer is Also known as fat grafting or fat injection. A fat grafting procedure transfers fat from areas in which you have excess fat, such as the outer thighs, and injects it into areas that may be lacking in volume, such as your face, hands, breasts or buttocks. These Procedure can Performed by the Liposuction Cannulas and Many Other Instruments.
Wish Surgical is the Best Leading Manufacturer and Supplier for all kinds of Harvesting Cannulas, Fat grafting, Fat Injecting Cannulas, and all other Cannulas.